Applications are NOW Available!

Each year billions of dollars are awarded to individuals and businesses in the form of grants and other types of funding. Apply for YOUR piece today!

Let's get started! Select your type of funding:
Real Estate

Here's how it works

USA Funding Applications is an online grant application system that gives you access to free money applications from over 20,000 SOURCES.


Easy to fill out. Your information is secure.


We provide the application sources and teach you how to apply.


There's no limit on the number of grants you can apply for.

What people are saying:

It is simple and easy to use. The wording is great and understandable.

I especially like the fact that USA Funding Applications have a variety of fields to choose from which allows individuals to pursue their dreams and stay encouraged. The site's complete. It would be nice if more people knew of your site.

Hey, I recommend everyone and everybody to these services because you can get whatever you need to know about personal, assistance, food & nutrition.

It was so thorough. Not only did it categorize the funding programs but it had tips for the entire process. Also the lay out which is linear is nice with the white on white with colored reference points.

It was easy to understand it didn't seem like a hassle at all to answer anything that was asked.

I think the USA funding application is a great way to give the less fortunate a chance to live a better life.

"Groups to help low-income residents in Silcon Valley get $934,000"

"Funding Remains Center Stage"

"Funding as a Business Model: Win-Win.."

"Sprint's New Community Programs to Award. more than $50,000"

Here are the FUNDING CATEGORIES you'll have access to with over 20,000 APPLICATIONS to apply to!

503 Applications Business
10,437 Applications Cars / Vehicles / Transportation
172 Applications Community Assistance
13,053 Applications Dental
180 Applications EDU - Schools
1,152 Applications EDU - Teachers
499 Applications Education - Students
5,255 Applications Food
2,028 Applications Home Buyers
732 Applications Home Repairs
1,558 Applications Housing
2,567 Applications Inventions
284 Applications Medical
3,246 Applications Minorities / Demographic
11,393 Applications Misc
12,710 Applications Non-Profit
12,673 Applications Personal Assistance
13,235 Applications Real Estate
1,165 Applications Rent
2,423 Applications Senior Citizens
6,221 Applications Utilities
1,189 Applications Veterans
6,288 Applications Women
7,074 Applications

We've recently added the following number of applications:

Last 7 Days: 378 new applications Last 30 Days: 1,486 new applications Last 90 Days: 4,348 new applications

Get your piece of the funding pie.

Don't worry about your present financial situation. Funding applications do not require collateral, credit checks, security deposits or co-signers. You can apply even if you have a Bankruptcy. Also remember that government funding is not available for personal expenses or paying off debt but there may be other assistance programs out there to help you out of your situation!

Don't wait. The money you need may be given to your neighbor, if they qualify!

Grant Application Services

In order for us to pay for the grant writer research team to keep this information up-to-date, we charge a small monthly fee of $34.95. The information also comes with a guarantee. If you apply for funding using one of the applications you find on our website and you don't receive funding, your membership fees will be refunded to you immediately. All you have to do is provide us with the name of the funding opportunity you applied for and a copy of the rejection letter you received from the funder. With your membership fee, you will have access to the applications and online training information through our members-only site. You can also cancel your membership at any time.

How serious are you? are you like most people and needed the money yesterday? If so, get registered today. Don't procrastinate. USA Funding Applications is here to help you get the info you need today, not next year. "Change your future in 2024." If FREE FUNDING to start a new business, expand your business or complete a worthwhile project would change your life and benefit you for the rest of your life, what are you waiting for? Get registered TODAY. We can help you find and apply for the money you need to change your life forevor. We are Funding Seeking Specialists.

Sign up today!

The sad news is most people never apply for any kind of funding because they just don't know "how" or "who" to apply to, not to mention the fact that they think it is too hard. It may be easier than you may think, but you will never know until you try, so what are you waiting for?

Don't procede further if you are not sincerely interested in securing Funding Money. We don't want to take your money if this is something you really don't want to do. There is a lot of time and money put into searching out these applications, and we want you to be sure you are as serious about getting your share of this money as we are about giving you this information. Remember, you must qualify for the different funding programs listed on this site in order for you to receive funding and because we are not a funder, we can not guarantee that you will qualify or receive funding.