Why Presentation Skills Can Make the Difference on Your Resume

Giving a speech in front of people isn’t always everyone’s favorite task. However, having solid workplace presentation skills can serve you well in many different ways.

Of course, one of the most important reasons being an accomplished presenter can stand you in good stead is that it looks great on your resume. Working information about your ability to give electrifying speeches always gives a positive impression.

We’re going to briefly look over some of the most important reasons to hone your public speaking skills. As you’ll see these can be easily worked into your resume using a number of different methods.

How Do Presentation Skills Give You An Advantage in The Workplace?

There are lots of good reasons why companies want and need good presenters. These essential team members can help to create a positive reaction and communicate the values of the business effectively.

This is not just practical for your employer but offers many advantages for you as a candidate too. Generally speaking, learning how to be an accomplished presenter will help you in the following ways:

Which Presentation Skills Have the Biggest Impact?

There are a number of abilities that a seasoned presenter can add to a resume’s skills section. These will be gained from not only doing the task itself but also from doing the work that goes into the preparation stages.

By knowing everything that goes into a good performance you can then use examples to show you’ve got the sorts of abilities a hiring manager is looking for. These might include:

How Can Presentation Skills Be Shown on My Resume?

A resume is a bit like a presentation itself, albeit expressed via the written word rather than the spoken form. It must be structured effectively, be clear in its communication, and focused on its goals of getting you hired.

There a few different sections found on a resume that can allow you to show off your presentation ability.

Of course, your career history should be one of them. In the work experience segment of the resume, you can highlight information such as:

In addition to this and dropping in a few public speaking strengths in your skills section, you may consider adding another heading about any conferences or seminars where you have given keynote addresses. This will help the recruiter gauge your level of expertise in presentations much more effectively.

Finally, if you’ve done any training that has helped make you an expert speaker, this should also find its way into your education section. If you haven’t done any courses in public speaking, don’t worry. As you’ll see below there are options available to upgrade your abilities.

How Can You Improve Your Presentation Skills?

If you want to start honing your presentation skills, a good place to start is with a training course. This will be able to take you through all the key organizational and speaking considerations you’ll need when giving a speech.

Public speaking courses can be done at local education centers or online quite easily, allowing you to learn the ropes of this highly useful discipline.

However, if you don’t have the time or money to do a full coaching program, don’t worry. You can instead opt for a hands-on approach by volunteering for speaking opportunities in your current position or by getting some practice with interviews for new jobs. Like many abilities, public speaking gets easier the more you do it.

Top Tips on Presenting Effectively

There are so many ingredients that go into a great presentation. Naturally not every speech is the same, but many of the same elements will come up. The main tips you should keep in mind before giving a speech are as follows:

Communication is always a highly prized skill in the workplace and being an effective public speaker is a great way to demonstrate that. By making sure the details of your ability to give a mean presentation are present on your resume you’ll be able to put your skills to the test in your new better job.

Designing a resume with ResumeCoach can take some of the time and effort out of creating a document that will showcase your public speaking skills. Our step-by-step resume building tools and easy to tweak templates are fully optimized so your professional profile can be submitted easily electronically and impress with their visuals.

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