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The text of the bill below is as of Jun 23, 2023 (Introduced).
Mr. Mooney (for himself, Mr. Barr , Mr. Donalds , Ms. De La Cruz , Mr. Ogles , and Mr. Nunn of Iowa ) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on Financial Services
To raise the consolidated assets threshold under the small bank holding company policy statement, and for other purposes.
This Act may be cited as the Small Bank Holding Company Relief Act of 2023 .
Changes required to the Small Bank Holding Company and Savings and Loan Holding Company Policy Statement
Not later than 180 days after the date of enactment of this Act, the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System shall revise appendix C to part 225 of title 12, Code of Federal Regulations (commonly known as the Small Bank Holding Company and Savings and Loan Holding Company Policy Statement ), to raise the consolidated asset threshold under that appendix to $10,000,000,000 for any bank holding company or savings and loan holding company.
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