How to Create a Holiday Emotional Support Plan

You can create an emotional support plan to ease holiday stress and aggravation.


Key points

Jonathon Borba/Unsplash

Source: Jonathon Borba/Unsplash

The holiday season can be particularly emotionally challenging. Financial pressures can cause anxiety and frustration. Family dynamics can complicate the delicate balance of your immediate family. Family expectations can lead to disappointment and aggravation. Missing or separated family members can heighten emotional distress. There's suddenly a lot more do to, with the same amount of money in your bank account and the number of hours in the day.

With these additional variables, it's reasonable to feel more anxious and stressed. Dealing with these stressors may require a little more planning and prioritizing your mental health, just for the next few weeks.

The following strategies are divided into two categories: one-minute strategies and 10-minute strategies. Choose some of your favorites and try to do one a day for the next few weeks.

One Minute (or Less):

10-Minute Strategies:

Understand that the holiday season is full of emotional landmines for many people. You are not alone. Be kind to yourself. Use the strategies that serve and support you as often as necessary. This is a temporary time of heightened stressors. Do what you need to do to support yourself in a healthy and productive way, and everyone you love will benefit as a result.

For more practical emotional tools and strategies, check out