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Job satisfaction-dissatisfaction is a major concern to every organization irrespective of the type. As job satisfaction boosts productivity and creates healthy and stress-free employees, job dissatisfaction does the opposite. Job dissatisfaction causes downtime which leads to low productivity and jeopardizes an organization's profitability and long-term security to stay afloat and compete. The aim of this research was to investigate if employees are satisfied in their chosen organization in East Berbice-Corentyne, Guyana. This paper also highlights what is meant by the term " job satisfaction " and " job dissatisfaction " as well as the causes and their effects in organizations. A questionnaire was created and administered to 50 persons from three organizations. Based on the survey carried out, 94% of the respondents had an appreciation for their job, 36% stated that they had no issue at their workplace, and 44 out of 50 respondents planned to remain in the organization they are currently apart of despite issues faced.
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Quality of work life is considered to be a philosophy as it is rooted in strong humanistic values. It focuses on the problem of creating a human working environment. The main purpose of this study is to understand what good quality work life means to employees and how it affects the companies. QWL will have direct and indirect relationship with the economic and social well-being. It emphasizes how people can keep balance by making their work environment flexible. QWL programs not only helps in improving the work system, but also emphasize development of employee skills, the reduction of occupational stress and the development of more co-operative labor-management relations, so management has to play a very significant role in improving quality of life of employees. Management must strive to make the quality of employees work life as satisfying as possible. A Descriptive research design has been chosen for the study. A sample size of 150 respondents has been selected using Convenience sampling method.
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