If you are cancelling Vivint because of an unresolved complaint, let us help you file a claim.
If your Vivint Home Security services are not working out, there has been a death in the family, or you just want to cancel, you are well within your rights to do so. However, that doesn’t mean Vivint customer service will make it easy, or cheap. Whatever the reason you want to leave, we explain how to cancel your account with Vivint.
Not sure you want to cancel? Read about How to Reduce Your Vivint Bill .
Vivint has a somewhat tricky policy for cancellation .
The company stipulates that there are always extenuating circumstances and they offer a cancellation policy that is sensitive to this. There is a special team called the “Exceptions Review Team” who will review your situation if there are extenuating circumstances such as:
They will review your situation and decide if your circumstances qualify for the extenuating circumstances exception. They make it clear that this is a case-by-case situation and just because you call to cancel your account with Vivint because of extenuating circumstances does not mean they will not charge you.
Similarly they have military policies such that if you are active duty military you have a few different options to cancel your service. The event will let military personnel cancel their service agreement if they are deployed for six months or longer, if they are medically discharged, if they enter retirement after 20 years in the service, or if they receive PCS orders. However, they require you to send a copy of your official orders and since there is sensitive information on personal orders that the government says public companies are not allowed to access, it will be up to you to get a clean copy and black out any of the information that could be compromising.
If you are moving, you can call the Smart Home Specialists at 855-441-4573 to discuss your move and Vivint might let you move your policy with you for free, but they will charge you for upgrades, new equipment, or replacements. If you want to defer payments for up to 12 months because of a deployment or a temporary assignment, you have to speak with Military Support at 855-368-8568. They will go over your case and decide if you qualify.
If you want to cancel your agreement with Vivint, you have to contact Vivint customer service. Call customer service at 1-800-216-5232 x5020.
Common Disputes and Complaints when Cancelling Vivint
There have been many customer complaints lodged against Vivint, including when it comes to billing and accounting issues. Out of the multitude of complaints on the internet, with organizations like the Better Business Bureau and consumer reviews, customers have complained about the same key items:
Nowhere on their website does Vivint explain what the early termination fee is for canceling your account. However, once you speak with a customer service agent you will find that the fee is $300 if you cancel during the first year of your contract + You will have to pay for your service in full.
For this reason they have the exceptions and extenuating circumstances which can get you out of having to pay these fees, but in most situations you will have to pay for the entire service to which you agreed and the $300 fee.
A lot of customers are curious about Lawsuits against Vivint , or are wondering How to Sue Vivint .
If you have tried to cancel your account with Vivint, and they have charged you excessive fees, or are failing to honor extenuating circumstances, we want to hear about it…