Mobile computing and application development syllabus

Thomas E. Blum
Office: H-133/124
Office Hours: Mon 10:30-11:30 & 4:00-5:00, Wed 10:30-11:30, Fri 10:30-11:30 or by appointment
Phone: 215-951-1139


This course covers software mobile application development, its architecture and lifecycle, as well as its inherent design considerations. Students will learn about mobile resources, activities, views, layouts, and intents in addition to interacting with the location based services, messaging services, multimedia interfaces, and sensors available on the mobile device. The applications developed will manage data input from and output to files, databases and content providers. After developing applications in an emulation environment, students will install them on individual mobile devices as well as prepare them for marketplace distribution.


Tuesdays & Thursdays 2:00-3:15


Course Calendar:


Online Books:

Title(s) relevant to this course:
Android wireless application development/Conder, Shane
Learning Android/Gargenta, Marko
Mobile design and development/Fling, Brian

Learning Objetives:


Tests: 30% 2 tests
Final: 15% The final is cumulative with an emphasis on any previously untested material.
Homework: 15%
Labs: 30%
Project: 10%

Classroom Behavior:

While in the classroom, students should behave in a manner that is neither distracting to nor disrespectful to the professor or other students. Cell phones should be turned off.