Understanding Flood Risk: Real Estate, Lending or Insurance Professionals

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Real estate, lending and insurance professionals can make a tremendous impact in their communities by working with clients to help facilitate the understanding of flood maps and flood risks.

The resources on this page will help you be more prepared for these client and community interactions.

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Know Your Risk

As a real estate, insurance or lending professional, your clients rely on you to inform them of potential risks to their current or prospective home, including flood risk.

Make sure you understand the risk from flooding in areas you serve, if flood maps will be changing in the area and what this means for flood safety and insurance requirements.

Other Hazard Types

Looking for info about hazards other than floods? Visit the Risk Management page.

Find Flood Maps

View the effective flood map for your location by visiting the FEMA Flood Map Service Center.

Read the Product Overview page for different viewing options through Google Earth and the FEMA GeoPlatform.

Living with Levees

Knowing and reducing the flood risk in a community is a shared responsibility. As a real estate, lending, or insurance professional, it is important for you to understand and properly communicate your clients’ risks associated with levees and the importance of flood insurance to reduce financial risk to homes and businesses that are at risk from flooding.

Find Tools to Communicate About Levees

Know Your Role

As the professionals that home and business owners look to for sound advice when it comes to matters dealing with their largest financial investment, their home or business, it is important for you to understand flood risk in areas you serve, the impact of upcoming map changes and how these may affect your clients.

Congress mandates that federally regulated or insured lenders require flood insurance for all buildings located in a Special Flood Hazard Area (SFHA) with a federally backed loan. Because insurance agents agree to sell and service flood insurance to property owners, both insurance agents and lenders play an important role in this process.

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Real Estate Agents

Insurance Industry Professionals

Lending Industry Professionals